
Level Up Your Marketing Campaign

Over the last few years, thanks to recent developments within the tech world, many things we believed to be mere science fiction are becoming more and more a part of our everyday reality. 

One of the most significant advancements of the last few years is the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is used for various purposes and applications. AI is also more commonly used in the world of marketing and specifically content marketing. 

With recent advances such as BERT by Google and GPT-3 by OpenAI, computer automation and the ability for a computer to create content are becoming more realistic. 

Many applications and online services are already claiming to create AI-generated content to assist content creators with mundane tasks, but how many of them actually live up to their advertising? Is it worth investing time and money into AI-generated content for your business? 

This blog will address these questions and provide insight into how AI is changing the content marketing industry. 

Holly, on-board Artificial Intelligence from the sci-fi show Red Dwarf, 1988. IQ 6000 (or so claimed) © 2021 Grant Naylor Productions. All rights reserved.

AI and Content Marketing

There are countless benefits AI could have in content marketing. Many are still under development or really new to the market. Some examples of these include AI social copywriting or AI-created blog posts, each of which still has some significant limitations (which we will go into below).

Then there are others such as AI chatbots, which have been very beneficial to content creators, with the majority of tech service sites and online stores adopting various kinds of AI bots on their websites to serve their customers better as well as to cut costs in hiring dedicated customer service agents. AI chatbots are easy widgets added to a website in the back-end, making this form of AI automation extremely accessible.

Before we dive into our industry overview, we wanted to provide a brief overview of BERT and GPT-3, as they are crucial AI developments in this field:

Quick Recap on BERT

BERT is an open-source machine learning framework for natural language processing (NLP). BERT was created to help machines understand the meaning of ambiguous language in a text by using surrounding text to establish context. 

Its effect on content marketing SEO has been small but rather significant since its rollout back in 2019. For further information on BERT, check out our BERT post

Quick Recap on GPT-3

Generative Pretrained Transformer 3, commonly known as GPT-3, is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce text similarly indistinguishable from text written by a human. 

Created by OpenAI and not yet publicly available, GPT-3 written content has created quite a buzz in the online community, and specifically between content creators. And content marketers in the AI sector wonder whether this technology will ever be available for widespread use. For further information on GPT-3, check out our GPT-3 post here.

Auto-generated Content and Copywriting

It’s clear that AI is making waves in content marketing, but how is it changing the content marketing world in 2021 and the near future? And can it benefit your business and simplify tedious and mundane tasks?

Below we will dive into recent developments, capabilities, potential pitfalls, and their possible solutions as it pertains to AI and the ever-changing field of content marketing. 

Content Research and Keyword Research

Content research can sometimes be a repetitively tedious and mundane task, AI is making it easier by automating the process and creating significantly less work for the content strategist, allowing them to dedicate more time to more important tasks, drastically increasing the overall efficiency of the department or organization as a whole.

AI-assisted programs currently available on the market can assist in identifying relevant keywords and phrases that can be used to better target customers and potential clients, allowing you to optimize clicks, SEO, and page authority.

Content Suggestions and Recommendations

AI services can analyze Google Analytics and suggest topic ideas based on current trending topics. This can save a content developer countless hours searching for relevant trending topics to create material on.

AI Copywriting

AI copywriting is one of the most sought-after applications of AI within the content marketing industry. It has also been considered a significant threat to some content marketing agencies, as many fear AI might be after their jobs. 

Fortunately, this fear is not well-founded, and AI copywriting is not currently advanced enough to compete with humans for truly original content.

There are still significant limitations when it comes to AI copywriting. One of the biggest concerns is its inability to create completely original content. An article posted in 2020 by The Guardian claims to have been written completely using OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology

While the text itself might have been compiled together by the AI, the actual content itself is a combination of eight different articles stitched together. The original articles were created by humans. This alone defeats the purpose of using Artificial Intelligence to fully develop copywriting material by itself and should alleviate the concern of many that AI is out to take their jobs. 

However, with all this being said, just because AI copywriting isn’t advanced enough to write its own material (YET!), that doesn’t mean there is no practical use for content creators. 

Instead, AI copywriting applications and services can be used in conjunction with human administration to assist in copywriting. A great example of this would be if you were to get writer’s block (which we have all had at least once if not more), AI-assisted copywriting can be used to fill in gaps in articles where a content writer might be stuck or unsure of what else to write about. 

Inputting a basic summary and keywords of the topic into an AI copywriting program can give copywriters a better idea of what they could write.

In any AI application, it continues to be very important that a human reviews all AI written material to make sure it aligns with the rest of the article, your brand persona, tone, and to make sure that it’s relevant to the topic at hand. 

There are still many things that AI cannot do, and that’s to be creative, it can be emulated but to a limited extent. Use your professional and creative experience in your field to make sure your content is original and not robotic.

AI in Marketing Automation


Chatbots have been around for some time; however, only recently have chatbots become much more advanced and popular for businesses to use to communicate with clients and website visitors. 

Recent advances in chatbot AI development allow customers to have complete conversations with a chatbot to help troubleshoot issues, ask a question, book a meeting, purchase an item or service, and much more. Chatbots are becoming so sophisticated it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish a chatbot from a human.

A great example of a service that businesses can use is Facebook’s Messenger application, which allows for chatbots to be created for an organization from which the company can communicate with clients and potential customers. 

This can be a great option to link to your business’s Facebook page and can be a great way to save the high costs of a dedicated 24/7 customer service team, which, for many small businesses, can be impossible to afford.

Chatbots can also be incorporated into your company’s website. Here is an example of a 

Chatbot used on the okwrite website. You can also check out the okwrite Facebook page to communicate with our Facebook messenger bot.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics has been used to develop and create client personas based on consumer actions and data. 

Thanks to AI, it has become easier to create these client personas and better understand the customer journey process of different buyer personas. This allows brands to quickly and easily provide valuable personalized content for the various client personas in any stage of the marketing funnel and throughout each marketing avenue, all without the tedious task of manually doing all the research. 

This can be beneficial because interests and trends can change periodically through the different personas. Over time, trends can change quite rapidly, and because of this, client personas change slightly, too, even though things like personality traits remain the same. 

AI automation can make organizing this all quite simple. Marketing teams can keep up with their ever-changing trends and fads and make sure you are targeting your clients and potential customers with relevant up to date personalized content.


It is clear that AI is a highly beneficial tool in content marketing and quite possibly the epicenter of the future of content development. There is still a lot that has to be done for AI to function entirely independently without the need for human assistance. 

But for now, AI and humans can work in conjunction with each other to significantly reduce costs, increase efficiency, and boost productivity within an organization.

If your organization is considering using AI for content writing and development, know that we offer AI-powered content marketing and will be happy to assist and help you plan your implementation strategy. 

Feel free to book a meeting with us today so that we can help you!


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